Jimmie has been crossed into multiple bloodlines and colors which can be found interspersed throughout our colony. This includes our Hypo, Translucent, Hypo Translucent, Dunner lines and Leatherback. Jimmie here is one of our Citrus Tiger Bearded Dragons from various lines of genetics.
Jimmie is a kind of guy that loves outings on daily basis and love to be catered for. He loves meeting new people and learn how to interact with people of different characters. Going for Jimmie means you should be able to make him comfortable at all times.
Attributes of Jimmie
- Loves Outings
- Age: 4 Weeks Old
- 10 inches long
- Easy to Handle
- Feed on Crickets, Dark Leafy greens, Mealworms and Grasshoppers
- With proper care Jimmie can live up to 15 Years or more in Captivity